The Utah OSR Land Co-op at Riverbed Ranch
◉ Only previously owned lots are currently available ◉
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The Riverbed Ranch off-grid community is being developed by the Utah OSR Land Co-op as a non-profit land cooperative, striving to increase self-reliance and self-sustainability. This is similar to a housing cooperative like those already operating successfully for decades in New York and Chicago, but ours is centered around farm land rather than apartment buildings.
When purchasing your membership in the cooperative, you get exclusive rights to a 2-acre lot of land, plus at least 2.5 acre-feet of water shares. Shareholders also receive a pre-paid well permit and have a vote to elect the co-op's board members.
The biggest bonus is that you'll (eventually) be surrounded by self-reliant neighbors who are working to achieve self-sufficiency.
The current residents frequently hold an informal coordination meeting every Sunday evening to share their successes and struggles, to share advice, and to ask for assistance when more hands are needed to raise a greenhouse, barn, or other project. Riverbed Ranch has already become a true community in every sense of the word.
Contact us for our 4-page Project Summary with links to our live Q&A zoom calls and Saturday tours.