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Save 38% Every Month!
By building your own debt-free, off-grid family farm, you can enjoy:
 No mortgage,
 • No utility bills,
• Producing all your own food, water, and power.



   The Riverbed Ranch Community is being developed by the Utah OSR Land Co-op as a non-profit land cooperative, striving to increase self-reliance and self-sustainability. This is similar to a housing cooperative like those already operating successfully in New York and Chicago, but ours is centered around farm land rather than apartment buildings.

   When purchasing your membership in the cooperative, you get exclusive rights to a 2-acre lot of land, plus at least 2.5 acre-feet of water shares. Members who produce surplus organic food will (eventually) be able to sell their surplus, if they so choose, through the co-op's brand!

   With about $235,000 in resources, you can build out your entire off-grid family farm, including a small home, small barn, small greenhouse, along with your well, septic system, and solar power system.  Remember, co-ops work to minimize costs, not to maximize profits.

   Become a member, and raise food and kids, all while enjoying a farm-steading lifestyle within an off-grid community!

11840 N Riverbottom Rd, Riverbed Ranch, Utah 84648  ●  385-202-6024

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